Thursday, April 13, 2017

Everyday Goddess

Response to the Writing Retreat Prompt. 

This is a departure from but inspired by my original writing from the retreat. As you all know, this artwork proved bothersome to me, and I couldn't put my finger on it. As I was sitting outside today taking a few mindful moments, it occurred to me that my irritation is rooted in jealousy. I am so uptight and self-conscious about my body, and this woman is just flaunting hers (which is eerily similar to mine) without a care. And, then this poem was born. 

Everyday Goddess
by Annmarie Ferry

I disrobe not to satisfy the desires of petty men--
they cannot handle the venereal power I possess. 

I disrobe not to pose for an artist's brush--
he could never capture my innate sensuality.

I disrobe not to shock my prudish counterparts--
their meager opinions of me hold no value.

I disrobe to satisfy my own yearnings--
flagrantly unencumbered in my natural state.

I disrobe to honor the One who created me--
each and every curve of my body handcrafted.

I disrobe to break free of the crushing confinement of society--
embracing the countless possibilities that lie ahead. 

Do you find yourself feeling a little jealous,
perhaps even embarrassed to fix your gaze upon me?

You may be shackled by your own shame,
but I chose to live a life unclad by self-reproach. 

I chose to live life naked.  


  1. This brought tears to my eyes. The raw emotion! I think all women should read this and make it their mantra. PLEASE publish this to Facebook so to inspire others!!! I can't wait to read it again, as it inspired me!

    1. Thanks! I will consider it. I only have a handful of peeps who read blogs when I post them to Facebook unfortunately!
