Saturday, October 31, 2020

Prompt #64 Language of the Times

I ran across it a couple of months ago, and loved it. Hope you love it, too.

I will introduce using the words from Poets and Writers magazine, which provided the inspiration:

"Alt-rock, barista, codependent, designated driver, e-mail, G-spot, home theater, multitasker, spoiler alert, wordie. What do all these terms have in common? They are all listed as "first known use" year of 1982 according to Merriam-Webster's online Time Traveler tool, which allows users to see what words first appeared in written or printed use in each year from the Old English period to 2020.

Prompt: Choose a year that has particular resonance to you, perhaps one that marks a turning point or a significant event in your life, and browse through the words that are listed as first recorded that year using the Time Traveler Tool

Let the words inspire a piece of writing suitable for the "language of the time."


Who heard this term before 2020?


Friday, October 30, 2020

Blue Mind Epiphany

Unfortunately my mind has been a different kind of blue lately--not the calm, serene place I'd like it to be. But, I did clear a couple of days on my calendar for our good friends' recent visit and caught some great images of the great outdoors--albeit on a golf course. One photo of the sky resonated so much with me, it became my Facebook photo: 

As I look at it again, it reminds me that the sun is always behind the clouds. That the clouds themselves have their own special beauty--even when they're concealing the light. 


The white glow in the center of it all
reveals the burst of bright blue---
     bringing a sense of wonder,
     a sense of peace. 

The bottomless blue sky peeking out around the edges
reveals a deeper purpose--
     bringing a profound perspective, 
     there is beauty everywhere.

Even behind a curtain of clouds. 

Thursday, October 29, 2020


 Response to Prompt #63: Blue Mind

Happy is he who is awakened by the cool song of the stream... by a real voice of living nature.

-Gaston Bachelard


I wake to the invitation

a cup of coffee and the sunrise

looking out from the balcony above

the vastness of blue eternal

interrupted only by the horizon

navy blue below and sky blue above

Saline air cleanses my sinuses, my lungs 

my mind is relaxed, my heart at ease

the tide pulls back and forth rhythmically

a seaside rocking chair lullaby

only I'm awakened, not asleep

senses alert, the day awaits with promise

Stepping out, the soft, powdery sand like baking flour

rising between my toes settling to my skin

until I no longer notice or care 

there is no care here 

just warmth from the sun 

and the soothing gulf coast breeze