Friday, March 25, 2022


 Response to Prompt #72 Serendipity Doo Dah

I. Evolution 

The revolution of my bike tires as I venture all over the west side of Cleveland, never limiting myself, never afraid, my bicycle never failing me, round and round various neighborhoods, round and round the wheels went with me on board, alone and free, unbound and exploring.

The revolution of the 78 vinyl on my little record player, Roy Rogers singing "Don't Fence Me In."

Receiving the Beatles single "Revolution" as a Secret Santa gift in 8th grade from a boy in my class. He somehow had paid attention and heard me mention I liked the song.

You say you want a revolution. Well, you know we all want to change the world.

Round and round the turntable spins, weaving musical dreams of love and progression and change.

This was standard fare when I was a teenager. There were dozens of songs with revolutionary messages. But the song that puzzled me the most was "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised," and each time it came on the FM radio I found myself straining to decipher the lyrics and stretching to figure out what they meant.

Everything goes round and round as we seek to find our place.


II. Education

 In the summer of 1993 I was profoundly changed when I read Revolution From Within: A Book of Self-Esteem by Gloria Steinem. Gloria, through the Feminist Movement, had already taught me how to see clearly about what I learned about the patriarchy and a woman's place in the world. But in this book she helped me see the undoing of childhood messages and trauma is just as important. We must not only unlearn, we must relearn in a healthier and more productive way to find our true self. 

There is a tendency to see Gloria as one who tore down some well-preserved institutions, and think that means she always had it all together. Coming to understand that her biggest hurdle was developing self-esteem within herself was revolutionizing to me, and came at a time when I was faced with a huge new challenge that would change the trajectory of my life.

Ten years later in my Literary Theory class, I learned that the revolution will not be televised because it happens in an instant, barriers crash down, but only after the work of many people, after one thing, then another, then another, has been set into place, the constant motion suddenly reaches a fruition. 

I still recall that moment with clarity. Aha!

Everything goes round and round as we seek to change the world.


III. Contribution

Here I sit at 66-years-old, still wondering what my contribution is. I have sought revolution within more than once in my life, and I seek to revolutionize through my work over and over again, wanting something more, hoping the pieces are falling into place, pondering, wondering, contemplating, and meditating.

How to make some long-held dream a reality? Is it happening?  Will I ever know if I will have made that kind of difference? 

It is an on-going question, and time seems to be running out. So, I revolve back to what I know.

I take a hint from the Beatles: seek to contribute, to be the change I want to see.

I take a hint from Gloria: work in positive ways to find my true self and allow the true self of others.

And as I now proceed to the end of another school year, I find myself mapping out my own mini-revolution to transform what has come before, bringing my true self to the learners in front of me. The need is there, more than ever, to bring my authentic spirit forward, and help young people find their true spirit as well. It's an on-going project, and a position I revolve back to every single year. It's as regular as spring.

Everything goes round and round as we seek to implement the dream.

I walk around the block, I walk around the slough, I walk around the lake, revolutions of inspiration and intensity, nature reflecting to me my natural self over and over again.

I have evolved to riding a stationary bike, round and round the wheel goes, building inner bravery, my mind spinning new directions, new poetic lines, new lessons to impart, new dreams not too late to dream.

Everything goes round and round as we seek to be free

of all the things that could hold us back

of all the things that seem to be stagnant and unproductive

to be free in our mind and spirit, mutable and mercurial

knocking down the fences that restrain.