Saturday, November 30, 2019

Prompt #57--Nontraditional Traditions

Recent snapshots posted by Natalie of her adorable boys dressed in Halloween costumes for their Santa pics got me thinking about traditions. Most often, we associate these customs with the holidays, but what about all the other established practices we participate in throughout the year?

I thought it would be fun to explore nontraditional rituals we engage in that may seem commonplace to us, but fly in the face of what other people consider the norm. As always, the genre is up for grabs—whatever inspires you to write a great piece.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Power Thieves

Response to Prompt #56 The Best Gift--Words of Wisdom

"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." Alice Walker

Power thieves come in many forms.
Some obvious in their insidious natures~


Some seemingly innocuous on the surface,
yet our souls still drown in the depths below~

Dare to stomp the ground like an unruly toddler,
scream "NO!" at the top of your lungs.

Arm yourself against the subtle manipulations--
and the outright emotional blackmail.

For in those brave acts,
You'll find your real power.

Friday, November 15, 2019


Response to prompt 56: The Best Gift- Words of Wisdom


What does that even mean? Be strong; you're a Patterson. If I've heard it once, I've heard it a million times. I suppose it is said with good intention; a reminder you're strong and you have the power to lift yourself up. Somehow the words do surface when you need them, though maybe "need" isn't the word. Maybe the intention isn't so clean, maybe it's guilt or pride he's after. Sometimes the words are haunting, rather than helpful. Shaming even. Tarnishing the family name when I feel weak, when I cry. Maybe, just maybe, being strong is understanding when you have no fight left it's ok to concede.