Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Balance Sheet

Response to  Prompt #53 Getting into or out of the groove

I had already decided to write about this "move" I made a year ago, and then today I realized that more than ever I needed to write it...or something.

How did I know? The Balance Sheet told me!

I spontaneously started this practice last summer, although I don't know exactly when or why.  I just know I began to track my activities to keep myself in balance. At first I called it my "Practices for Soul and Spirit."  But now I think of it more as a way to keep on an even keel.

The way it works is pretty simple. At the top I have the things I do every morning.  I drink coffee and write my Morning Pages.  I have certain prayers and readings I do. I read a poem a day, and write something in response. My physical practice is a series of yoga-related stretches and some arm exercises. This is required every day, and that is why the days of the week are listed.

Healing Practices consists of things like walking, cycling, massages, pedicures -- anything that keeps my body in some kind of shape. Soul Practices are anything I feel that feeds my soul: dinner with friends, podcasts, playing mandolin or guitar, art shows, movies, or concerts. Even putting music on and closing my eyes goes in this category. Anything that grounds me.

Reading Practices is where I keep track of books I read. I note the page I'm on daily, as well as make note on when I finish one. Writing Practices is similar, of course. Whenever I write something original and publish it (that isn't part of my morning routine at top) or work toward a larger project by note-taking, outlining -- all the things writers do to prepare.


What I found once I started this is it definitely helps keep me in balance. If I start feeling a little wonky, I look at the page and usually I can see immediately where the issue lies. Perhaps I'm not keeping up with healing practice, or soul practices. It is a reminder immediately that there is a move I can make to help myself.

Today is a case in point. Somehow, starting yesterday, I had a tightening in my chest.  I knew immediately it was anxiety. I haven't felt this all summer, and I'm not sure what was bringing it on. When I went to bed last night it hurt a lot!  I used some Rescue Remedy, and that helped, but I still felt it a bit today.

But one look at my balance sheet from last week and this week revealed that I have not been doing any writing. The last thing I published on my blog was on July 14th.  Usually I write when I'm on vacation, but somehow it never happened this time.  I have been feeling rather lethargic today, and not wanting to do much.  I did manage to get myself out to the grocery store, and when I got home I KNEW the only thing that would make me feel better is to get back to writing.

Thank you, Balance Sheet.  Not sure if I would have figured it out so quickly otherwise.

I mean -- seriously. The anxiety is already lifting. What a great little move I gave myself last year, one that has served me well. It keeps me focused on what I know works for me. As we move toward a new school year, I will rely on this little tool to keep me in tip-top shape for my students -- and myself!

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