Saturday, July 27, 2019

Prompt #53: Getting into (or out of) a Groove by Making a Move

It's an inevitable part of life: Every once in a while, you have to make a move to mix things up. Whether it's moving along, moving out, moving in, moving up, or moving on, a huge move, or a micro move, these changes have a profound impact on our lives. The results may be immediate: You get outside and take a bike ride or walk and gain a fresh perspective or get inspired. They may be far off: You leave someone or something not feeding your soul, and that propels you on a path to a more fulfilling life.

Write about a time when you made some kind of move that is memorable and the after-effects. You could juxtapose a micro move that changed the trajectory of your life, or a big move that changed your life in a small, yet significant way. The move can be physical, or it could be a mental shift.

Whatever you choose, I know we will all be moved (sorry, not sorry) by your words.

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