Saturday, October 6, 2018

The Merchant of Soul

My response to prompt #44, Star Quality.

I don't know when I first fell in love with Natalie Merchant--my memory can't retrieve the when and where of hearing her for the first time and connecting with her lyrics. I don't think it was in my formative years in the 80's--I don't even remember 10,000 Maniacs coming on the radio, probably because I wasn't listening to the right station. If I had to guess, it would be in the late 90's when her solo stuff hit the airways.

I do know this: her lyrics just resonate with me, her voice lulls me in. It's a connection I can't explain and don't necessarily want to. I'm just glad it's there. Here's my imaginary conversation with her, helped out with this article from the New York Times.

Me: How do you do it--write lyrics that just cut through all the bullshit and grab right at all the raw emotions in me, all with that non-threatening, soothing voice?

Natalie: It's all just a happy accident, Annmarie. I just write what I'm feeling and hope it connects with some people. There's no way I'm gonna pen the crap some of the pop stars do. I want my music to speak to something, mean something, make people think. I want it to be real, like if you listen to me sing, you know me.

Me: Mission accomplished, at least for me. Except I can't figure out something: Do you consider yourself an optimist or pessimist? I can't really tell where you land.

Natalie: Here's the thing--I go from one to the other, and I'm not afraid to show it. This world is just so much. We are ruining our earth, ruining each other with our hateful attitude. But, then, there are people who amaze me. I want to make sure they get some kudos. I'm also noticing I'm getting more melancholy, more dark as I age. It kinda sucks; I really want to be a happy-go-lucky kind of person, but how can you in this world?

Me: I feel ya. I've been going through the same kind of funk these days. Incidentally, some of your music has given me a fresh perspective and some hope in a world that makes me want to scream, "What the fuck?"

Natalie: Really? I do that for you?

Me: Yep. Every time.

Natalie: You're so kind and generous. Thanks for that.

Me: Thank YOU. And keep it real. It inspires me to do the same.

Natalie: Will do. Peace out, girl scout.

And with that, my admiration just grew. She is right up there with Maya these days.

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