Sunday, October 21, 2018

Constant Craving

My response to Obsession prompt

I do not think of myself as an obsessive person.  When I first read the prompt, I thought about the things that are mandatory in my life (beyond people.) The answer: writing, music, and chocolate.
My plan was to write about my lifelong "obsession" with writing.  But, is it an obsession, or just who I am? I struggled with that.

So I looked up the definition of obsession, and the word "preoccupy" caught my eye.  And then I knew that, yes, I am preoccupied right now with something.

Sanders Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels

I first found these around Christmas 2016 at Costco. I went through a couple of containers, they no longer stocked them, and I forgot about them.

Then around Easter 2018, I found them again.  And that is when I got hooked. I couldn't get enough. Every day I looked forward to enjoying one, two, or three -- depending on my mood -- and I do not know how many containers I went through. They last a long time, even when I eat them every day.

These caramels are thick and chewy, covered in the most luscious dark chocolate and huge hunks of sea salt. There is simply nothing else that compares. The density of the caramel and chocolate are to my liking -- enough to cause obsession, yes.

And I am preoccupied because I cannot find them at Costco right now.  I ran out in September, and they do not have them in stock.  I thought with Christmas holidays they would bring them back, but no.  I am thinking I will have to wait until Easter.

Talking about this to a young man at Costco, he told me that there is an asterisk on the sign when the item is going to unstocked for a while.  He assured me they would be back.

So I wait.  And crave.  And obsess. And dream I will walk in the store and there they will be.  And try to find something like them. There is nothing that I have found.

I have discovered these objects of my desire are available on Amazon, but I know better than to have chocolate shipped to Florida during these hot months.  I have had enough well-meaning relatives trying to send me delicious Malley's chocolates from Ohio to know that all I will get is a big globby mess. It's really tempting, but I am resisting.

I live with this obsession for now.  If we have a cold snap, I may have to give the Amazon Prime shipping a try.  It will be risky, but it is better than living with this constant craving.

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