Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Invitation to Write #2 - Ch-Ch-Changes

by Annmarie Ferry

July 15, 2015

In the words of David Bowie, it's time to "turn and face the strange ch-ch-changes," like it or not.

The ebb and flow of life isn't always so fluid; it often seems like crashing waves threaten to drown us. Just when we think we won't make it to the surface to gasp another breath, the seas turn into a motionless, glass-like calm that allows us to glide to shore.

"I watch the ripples change their size
  But never leave the stream
  Of warm impermanence and
  So the days float through my eyes."

Think about how you generally respond to or react to changes, big and small.  Does a "strange fascination" take over or is it more like a crippling fear?

This month, write about change. Anything about change. It doesn't have to be yours; it doesn't have to  be a big event. Sometimes, those "minor" changes add up over a stretch of time.  Your response can be in any form -- a personal narrative, fictional short story, poem, song lyrics, artwork.

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