Monday, September 23, 2019

Burned Out

In response to Prompt 54: Writer's Block

Writer's block feels like lots of ideas stuck in your head but only temporarily because you've got so many non-negotiables and worries about deadlines out of your control that you cannot think straight and you want to write so badly but you really cannot find the time not as in you're not making time but you have every waking moment of every day including weekends booked just to meet obligations and basic necessities like getting gas and grocery shopping and trying to choke down meals that get stuck in your throat or come up later because of the searing heartburn caused by eating when stressed.

Writer's block feels like your creativity is being sucked out of you by an industrial-sized vacuum, every tickety tap of your keyboard devoted to work or school--not the kind of writing you long to do but the writing you must do--just to keep up but just barely and turning in what you consider mediocre work but getting kudos or an A on it anyway secretly grateful that your "good enough" is impressive to some people even though you're not sure how or why.

Writer's block feels like an oppressive heat bearing down on you, leaving you nearly breathless, every inhale a burden so you take shallow breaths just to conserve your energy ever though you know you need to breath d-e-e-p-l-y but you're body just isn't allowing it.

Writer's block feels like stepping in dog shit in your dress shoes as you are already running late like your dog peeing on the elevator for the umpteenth time in a week even though you walk him religiously every two hours or less but then you feel bad for scolding him as he tries to make you out through thick cataracts and you watch his legs shake as he tries to steady himself to do his business one leg up like usual but then gives up and girl pees.

Writer's block feels like a lame excuse, an annoying family member you can't escape, an acquaintance that sucks the life out of you the irritation you feel every time someone asks you for something because you want to scream, "I DON'T HAVE TIME TO HELP YOU RIGHT NOW!" not believing they can't make the fucking inference as you are running around like a crazy person trying to get it all done burning
the proverbial candle at both ends.

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