Saturday, August 4, 2018

Leap of Faith

Strangely, I wrote all those warm-up statements and used none of them. Instead, I came up with this; a mumbled mess of all the ideas I came up with but couldn't make something happen with. Looks like I made something happen, just not sure what it is!

Response to Prompt #40: Always, Sometimes, Never...

Leap of Faith
My mom always said I was at my best with too much on my plate
I never get bored or full, because no matter how much I do there's more
sometimes the self-induced pressure can yield superb performance
I always seem to make it happen, I never say no to a challenge
sometimes I even surprise myself
and I never learn, and I always say yes
and sometimes I just want to kick myself
There will always be another opportunity
but you can never get time back,
and so sometimes enough is enough

On my long drives for work, I always dream
but I never seem to see those dreams to fruition
sometimes I dream of chasing my dreams
my husband always tells me to make it happen
he never puts me down or shuts me up
sometimes he reminds me how powerful I am
and I'll always remember to never give up
and sometimes fight like hell not to
There will always be tomorrow
and I will never let anything get in the way
Sometimes, somehow, we or I?
just need to take a leap of faith.

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