Thursday, July 19, 2018

Prompt #40: Always, Sometimes, Never

Warm-up Exercise:

Write the first sentence that comes to your mind, using the word always.
ex. I always tie my hair up in a bun before I go to sleep.

Now write another one with a different subject.
ex. No matter what's going on in the world, each morning the sun always rises.

Try one more. Maybe ask a question if you want.
ex. Why does vacation time always seem to pass more quickly than everyday time?

Write the first sentence that comes to your mind, using the word sometimes.
ex. Sometimes I wonder if my son could possibly understand how much I love him.

Now write another one with a different subject.
ex. Sometimes girl dogs lift their legs to pee just like boy dogs.

Try one more. Maybe make a wish or an I wonder... statement.
ex. Sometimes I look up at a soaring bird and wish I could fly.

Write the first sentence that comes to your mind, using the word never.
ex. I have never been to Europe.

Now write another one with a different subject.
ex. Never, ever, would I have voted for 45.

Try one more. Maybe use a cliche.
ex. It's never too late to learn.

Writing Prompt:

Try a few more always, sometimes, never statements if you wish. Then use your sentences for inspiration. Write an Always, Sometimes, Never poem. Write a micro memoir with one of your sentences. Use one of the sentences as the opening line of a piece of flash fiction. Be creative and write whatever you feel like writing. Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!

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