Thursday, October 26, 2017

Southern Sky

Response to Prompt# 28: Heard it in a Song

The Eagles. I have a bit if a love-hate relationship with their music. Radio stations have outplayed many of their timeless classics to the point that I wouldn't miss them if I never heard them again. Case in point, Hotel California. But others, I never get sick of, no matter how many times I hear them. Only one of their songs has the distinction of being in my iTunes library. Seven Bridges Road, which I just learned is a remake of a 1969 country song by a lesser known artist, Steve Young (no, not the retired NFL player). It's been recorded by Joan Baez, Rita Coolidge, and even Dolly Parton,  but it was the 1980 Eagles version with full blown vocal harmonies that earned the song its wider fame. I read today, prior to recording the song, the Eagles used it for warm-up backstage before performing. The vocal harmonies helped them get their voices ready for the show. I also learned that the Seven Bridges Road is Woodley Road in Montgomery, Alabama, nicknamed as so because you guessed it, there were 7 bridges along the road. (Information gathered from

There are lots of videos available of the band singing this song. I found a great one from a concert earlier this month, but within Glenn Frye I had to choose an older one. Here is a brief one of the band warming up with the opening harmonies,  back stage at a show in 1977.

Seven Bridges Road was inspiration for my piece of writing below...

Southern Sky
by Laurie J. Kemp

There are stars in the southern sky
pointing me back to my home
twinkling, brilliant they light the way 
keeping me company as I go back 
to the people and things, and places I love

There is moonlight, and moss in the trees
assuring me I am heading in the right direction
where the great heron soars and the white egret perches
where the otters flutter about in the preserve
below the lush and green cypress dome

Sometimes there's a part of me 
has to turn from here and go
work takes me away, days at a time
and though I have physically left
my mind and my spirit always remain

Under the southern sky

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