Saturday, August 1, 2015

Invitation to Write #3 -- Your Sacred List

Invitation to Write #3

This idea came directly from John Fox’s book Finding What You Didn’t Lose: Expressing Your Truth and Creativity Through Poem-Making.  Understand that this does NOT mean you are required to write a poem. I am posting the invitation directly from him, page 248 of his book. Just let it mean whatever it means to you.

Making Your Sacred List

The word “sacred,” according to the Oxford Universal Dictionary, means something “esteemed or held especially dear.” What do you hold dear? What do you set aside for yourself and God? You can touch and feel what is sacred. You can listen and talk with what is sacred. You can hold it close to your bones.

Is music sacred to you? Is your cat? A particular park bench? Hearing laughter? A pale pink horizon from a special hilltop.  Making love. A piece of antique jewelry from your grandmother. A friend. Your husband or wife.  Something you treasure from the earth that may sit on a home altar or special windowsill. Being with your child. Some objects blessed by the touch of someone dear. Someone you love who is far away. Someone you have grieved for. Cooking a meal. Painting. Making furniture. Helping someone. Doing your job. Is there a spot where you played as a child that still shines in your mind? Can you name that place?

Make a list of everyday things in your life; they do not have to extraordinary. Who and what blesses your life? Name what is sacred to you. This material may later become a poem. For now, just write down what you care about. The word “list” has roots in the word “listen”! Listen to your list.

List the names of at least TWELVE people, animals, plants, objects, events, experiences, places that are sacred to you.

After you write them down, let these sacred things live in you awhile. Feel them. Leave your list and then come back to it. Say these words or phrases to yourself. Take the feelings of your sacred things deep inside yourself. You’ll find poems. They will come to you. Trust what the unknown offers you.

Instructions for the Group: I am glad we are taking a little extra time for this, because the list making and writing will be two different events. Remember that you do not have to write a poem. When you post, please include your list for us (at least 12 items) so we can see your starting point.

This submission is due before September 8 meeting.  Have fun!

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