Thursday, August 13, 2015

These Things

by Annmarie Ferry

For our third invitation to write, we were charged with making a list of at least 12 things that are sacred to us, then reflect on it for a while, let it sink in to see what inspiration it would bring. I made a list, thought about the list, re-read the list, revised the list, then finally settled on the unranked list below.  It’s funny and creepy at the same time that the number that I can pare it down to is 13. That, believe it or not, is my family’s go-to lucky number. It has been the number on every jersey each kid has worn since they were little people.  As I look at the final list, I’m finding that most of the things I find sacred are not things at all, but intangibles. As for the tangible items on the list, their sacredness lies in what they symbolize and the memories they help move forward. Without that, they would just be objects.

Family (including my dog)
Alone time
Relationships (even the dysfunctional ones; their value lies in the lessons they teach)
Financial stability
Home (not the physical space, but the feeling of home)
Wedding ring (because of what it symbolizes)
Our sex life

I played with the list, trying to decide where it would lead my writing. Would it be a narrative, a fictional short story, a poem?  I didn't have to make that call. It decided it wanted to be a poem.

These Things

These things are sacred ---

The touch of my inamorato, 
exploring new ground or re-visiting familiar places, 
rekindling the slow-burning fire needed for survival.

The ring on my left hand circling eternity, 
holding within its stones and precious metal promises that keep us glued,
turn us into one,  facing the world together.

The photos that prove we were there, 
reminding me of where we started and roads we traveled, 
reveling in the memories that weave the fabric of our family.

The relationships I’ve had -- the good, bad, and indifferent,
for they all have taught me essential lessons in life, 
shaping me into the person you see today.

The sound of laughter filling my home over seemingly innocuous things, 
dancing through the halls, seeping into the walls, 
creating a palpable positive energy, a comfortable vibe.

The quiet of the morning before the world rapes my senses, 
robbing me of the calm I didn’t have as a child, 
the inner and outer peace I fight to maintain as an adult.

The education that didn’t stop with my degree, 
but became a thirst, a commitment to life-long learning, 
self-guided and informal, but valuable nonetheless.

The luxury of financial security, not for the things it buys, 
but for the peace of mind it brings, 
the opportunities for generosity it affords.

The spirituality I sometimes nurture, but often ignore, 
even when my soul cries out for attention, 
begging me to put aside the things of the world, just for a moment.

These are the sacred things.

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