Thursday, July 29, 2021

Prompt #67 Opening Lines

I have to admit, I've been struggling as a writer. I don't feel much inspiration coming my way. I cannot seem to lock into something useful to me, and I feel like everything I do write is kind of blah and unoriginal. Like I've written it all before.

So I've been living the question, Who am I as a writer?  It inspired me to move forward on finding a new prompt for our blog, thinking perhaps it will help. 

As the best ideas happen, they come to you when you're asking the question but are not necessarily putting yourself to the task of finding the answer. Today it came in the form of a podcast called "Songtown on Songwriting."  The guest was Don McLean, and the topic was the importance of opening lines.

Bingo! My prompt delivered to me over a bowl of Cheerios.


Here are Don's opening lines from his album American Pie:

Long long time ago, I can still remember how that music used to make me smile

What can this be/can you tell me?

Starry, starry night/paint your pallet blue and gray

I've got nothing on my mind/nothing to remember/nothing to forget/ I've got nothing to regret

No one can take your place with me/and time has proven that I'm right

I feel the trembling tingle of a sleepless night/creep through my fingers and the moon is bright

Fortune has me well in hand/ armies wait at my command

The spirit of Fatima still rules the earth/And she knows your future she knows what it's worth

The grave that they dug him had flowers/Gathered from the hillside in bright summer colors


Find an opening line to a song, one that creates a vision for you, and use it to begin your piece: poem, song, story, essay, whatever. Find a new direction from the original writer. Make it your own.


I think the best way is just to LISTEN to find your opening line. You may be driving in the car and hear it, or walking through the grocery store. Live the question: What is my opening line?

If you really get stuck, you can look here for some inspiration: 

Final words: Listen. Don't overthink. Have fun. Share!

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