Saturday, February 2, 2019

The Hawk, the Sky

Response to

I needed to write a couple of poems for my creative writing class, and happily they do double duty for the Trail Brazen prompt this time around! These are both based on mentor text poems in which we studied verbs, concrete terms, and sentence length and construction as a way to create rhythm.  The mentor texts are "A Poem for Magic" by Quincy Troupe and excerpt from a college essay by Andrew Kafoury that reads like a prose poem.

A Poem for Hawk

take to the tree, hawk
glide past me, your wing feathers
Hawk photo taken in Nashville Tennessee 2017
stretched like fingers on a hand
you hawk, the able hunter, with
sharp vision, incredible speed,
and color receptors, swooping
down so quickly the mouse or
squirrel or grasshopper
never stands a chance

the predator gets his prey

nightfall finds you, hawk, alighting in
the woods to roost, sending
out the final cries to the night
unafraid bird of prey, you
stare yellow-eyed and alert
nothing misses your gaze
mountain plain or tropical lushness
you, hawk, call home
perfect camouflage
you are a messenger and a reminder
of the magic which surrounds us.

hawk, please circle over my life --
make your shrill call --
awaken my perspective --

send me your bold heart.

Fort Myers sunset
 I Love the Sky

I love the sky. I love it in the morning when it glows with oranges and pinks and purples across the eastern sky. I love it as a backdrop for the sun, and the ever-changing clouds. I love the million varieties of blue, from pale to cobalt. I love the quick change of summer storms, the lighting bolts cast down, the voice of thunder growling. I love when the sky cries, reminding me of the cleansing power of tears. I love sunsets, the final stunning goodbye with the promise of more to come.

I love the sky at night, for the moon in all its phases delights me. I love the stars puncturing the black canvas. I love Venus and Mars, Orion and the Pereids, the known and the unknown. I love shooting stars. I love how the longer I look, the more I will see. Day or night, I live for the moment I can look up and take a breath, assured the sky holds everything I could ever possibly need to know. It’s all there: the support for every joy, the comfort for every sorrow, the answer to every prayer…there in the impermanent, ever-present sky.

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