Monday, May 7, 2018

Prompt #36- Another Part of You

Five years into our precious writing circle and 35 prompts into our blog. Next month marks the 3rd anniversary of the TB Blog. Wow...

I've played around with some ideas for this month's prompt. Revisited some Poets & Writers issues, perusing their prompts and rereading articles. I really enjoyed reading about Melissa Scholes Young's writing residency to France. Those residency retreats sound unbelievable, something you don't earn the right to until you become a published writer, I suppose. No biggie. We need to create our own time and space to write. And we need to do the kind of writing we want to do.

Anyway, I tucked this idea away at the onset, searching for other ideas. But it kept coming back so it must mean it's the right one. Probably appropriate for five years into our writing together. We're going to dig a little deeper, share a little more. Or maybe not. Maybe you choose to write fictionally. You might be inspired to take this journey through a character rather than as yourself. As usual, the choice is yours.

This prompt comes to me in two parts. The first is a dive into who you really are. We seem to know each other so well. We've become more than just writing buddies. We attend concerts and special events together, we enjoy nature outings and meals. We trust each other with the trials and frustrations of our jobs and our family life. But what don't we know? Who are we really? Is there a part of you that we don't know much about? Why is that?

As I considered these thoughts, I was reminded of a book of poems I used to read with my 4th graders. This poem, which shares the book title, kept coming to my mind. It's a simple poem written perhaps for children but oh so relevant to all of us. The visuals are concrete and enticing to me. Use it for inspiration if you will. And tell us, who are you on the other side of the door?

On the Other Side of the Door
By Jeff Moss

On the other side of the door
I can be a different me,
as smart and as brave,
as funny or strong
as a person could want to be.

There’s nothing too hard for me to do.
There’s no place I can’t explore
because anything can happen
on the other side of the door.

On the other side of the door
I don’t have to go alone.
If you come too,
we can sail tall ships
and fly where the wind has flown.
And wherever we go, it’s almost sure
we’ll find what we are looking for
because anything can happen

on the other side of the door.

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