Wednesday, September 6, 2017


How in the world are we expected to go about our business while one of the largest, most significant storms in recorded history is making its way to us? The rest of the country is talking about going back to school, when down here in Florida we're a month in already. Or maybe they are considering the impacts of the unnatural disaster that's already slammed our White House, in the aftermath of the DACA repeal. There are plenty of other things going on in the world right now, but Florida is talking about Irma.

And we can't help it. There are so many things to do. Gas and water are already in low provision. Food for people and pets, hurricane shutters, securing property and less able people, it's all a part of the daily lives of Floridians this time of year. Only we have been pretty lucky in recent years. School closures have been for naught. Water scares were premature. But not this time. Have you seen the radar images? One way or another, if you live in Florida, especially South Florida, impact of some sort is likely.

But how do we stay focused on what we need to do in the meantime. Landfall looks to be the end of the weekend, and local schools have announced closings on Thursday and Friday. But imagine being a school teacher today? G-d speed to all my teacher friends out there going through the motions on a day likely to resemble the day before Christmas Break!

And the rest of us? We're trying to work too. Productivity will probably hit lows the remainder of the week, as people plan evacuations, obsessively check in with the latest reports, and fixate on the other things they need to do to prepare. Here's my dilemma: My husband is the epitome of hurricane preparedness. Boy Scott Motto: Be Prepared. We're ready. And it's Wednesday. And the storm probably won't hit until Sunday. This is something to be commended and to be relieved about. But it puts us in a holding pattern, which is very distracting. It's hard to work. How do we just go about our business, working, and doing what we normally do when Irma is out there preparing for a statewide ass kicking?

It's Florida, and it's hurricane season. It's just what we do I guess. We should consider ourselves lucky in that these storms can be tracked and give us time to prepare, unlike Tornadoes. We may not know exactly what will happen, but we know the steps we can take to be cautious and keep ourselves safe.

If we can get a little work done while we await Irma's arrival, well that's pretty commendable.

By the way, while Irma approaches to kick Florida's ass, notice Jose up next threatening to kick us while we're down.

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