Monday, July 31, 2017

There is Something So Powerful

Response to prompt #25

There is something so powerful and raw about the northeast coast.  The vast Pacific, the oppressive clouds, the mist, and the lush, green forests have always intrigued me.   Reading Canty's story, I knew exactly what I wanted to write about.

A worn, hoary boulder, having sat in this exact same place for centuries, invited me to sit and listen to its secrets.  
"Watch the Ocean", it whispered. "A rare tide is coming in."
Sitting in a crevice, I saw the foamy waves crashing deftly below. The waves bellowed, a deafening thunder, and sent salted mist to cover my skin. “Why is it rare?” I wondered back.
“Because you are here,” It said.  Clouds thickened around us, they wanted to know the secrets too.
“I am nobody,” my lips trembled. “Why would the Ocean care that I am here?”
“It’s been waiting for you to understand, to know your place.  Look at the forest that surrounds us, the giant cypress and fir, the low-lying ferns.  As they blend together you see vast green, stretching far in every direction, yet each is different, each is unique.  Without the protection of the trees, the ferns could not survive.  Without the cover of the ferns the trees would not grow so tall and fierce.”
“Its beauty overwhelms me,” I breathed. “It makes me feel so small, so insignificant” My inhale recognized the moss and ancient bark, and made me feel smaller still.  What was this longstanding stone trying to impart? Why had I chosen to rest my weary soul at this particular place?
“You are as unique as each tree, your grace and love spread like branches towards the heavens.  You’re grounded like the moss and ferns, giving nutrition to all of those around you.” The stone paused, to make sure I was paying attention. “But you need to embody the ocean. Be fierce, be strong!  The ocean can be selfish, taking care of its own needs.  It feeds itself and gathers strength from within and from those around it.  The ocean basks in the sun, and feeds in the rain.  It can be calm or ferocious, but never loses control.”  Another pause, “Be the ocean.  Take care of yourself and the rest will follow.”
My boulder fell quiet.  The waves lapped below me, singing their song and repeating the lesson over and over with each gentle breach.  “Be the ocean.”
“Be the ocean.”
The tide moved out.

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