Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Pastor's Wife by Annmarie Ferry

I am dedicating my response to this month’s prompt, Phenomenal Women , to Brenda Birch, the wife of the pastor of the church I attended during my middle and high school years.  I was privileged to know Brenda on a personal level not only through her role as “the pastor’s wife,” but also as her go-to babysitter for her three young, active boys. I saw firsthand the challenges and sacrifices of being a minister’s wife and witnessed the grace and strength with which Brenda handled it all. And, she always showed an unwavering faith, but also showed her vulnerability, making me realize that the qualities that are sometimes perceived as weaknesses hold more power that being closed off, aggressive, and harsh. She often told me I had a tender heart, and while sometimes I think it would be easier to have a hardened heart, I will always remember and cherish those words.  

The Pastor’s Wife 

Phenomenal women aren’t always bold and brazen.
There is also strength in being kind and gentle,
sensitive and sympathetic, soft-spoken and calm.

Not all phenomenal women announce their presence.
Some slide into your life right when you need them the most,
not knowing the impact they made, 
that they gave you confidence, validation, a sense of belonging,
a soft place to land when teenage emotions got the best of you. 

Phenomenal women can have tender hearts, 
compassionate souls, and the power to hold their tongues,
practicing diplomacy even when challenged and exasperated.

Not all phenomenal women realize how remarkable they are.
They selflessly sacrifice personal time for the benefit of others,
never making you feel like a burden,
always making you feel like you matter, that your feelings are important,
that you have a purpose and a place in a confusing and cruel world.

Phenomenal women aren’t measured by fleeting things—
financial success, social position, or fame, 
They are measured by the imprint they left on your heart.

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