Friday, July 3, 2020

Love is

Response to Prompt #61: What About Love?

I. The Music

Not sure why, but here are the two songs that came to my mind and led me through this thought process and eventually my poem:

Love is a Verb by John Mayer

Keep on Loving You by REO Speedwagon (wait util you see this video... haha!)

II. The Thought Process (ok, more like a ramble)

We know grammatically, love is a verb or a noun. But it's not really either-or. It's both. You can certainly give love, or feel love, or long for love. These would all be examples of the noun love, a thing. But true love (by true I mean real not necessarily sappy romantic love often connoted by the phrase "true love") which again sounds like a thing, cannot exist in absence of the verb to love. You can't just give someone love, drop it off like a package or a gift, "here you go." The essence of the love you give is in continuing the feeling, acting, loving that you are doing even after the person feels or knows they have received it! Ultimately, love is seen and felt in the actions of the giver. Love the noun exists because of what we do and feel for, to, and because of another (or even ourselves).

III. The Poem

Love is
opening your heart, your mind, your soul honestly and vulnerably
listening actively even when you're not interested
looking through the eyes and into the heart

Love is
sharing your favorite dessert when you'd rather have it all to yourself
remembering the hidden details in the personal stories
giving a gift on any random day just because

Love is 
squeezing hands on the airplane
traveling to new places
coming home

Love is
understanding when the best support is silent 
touching gently at just the right moment
keeping secrets and telling the truth

Love is
dancing in the rain
floating in a hot air balloon
singing in the car

Love is
making babies
raising children
letting go

Love is a verb

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