Sunday, November 18, 2018

Lost and Found Looking for the Antidote

Answer to Prompt #46

After musing for quite a while on the antidote, I fell upon this line by Barbara and find myself writing the answer for this prompt. I used the monostich form because I feel it picks up the anxiety produced by thinking about these things!

Lost and Found Looking for the Antidote
…I think
of Chet Baker singing “Let’s Get Lost,” and I know
what he means, because more and more I know
where I am, and I don’t like the feeling…
--Barbara Hamby “Ode to Barbecue”

This poem has temporarily pulled me away from my project because
of the line above, although I actually may be fine with where I am, but
it still struck me because I’ve been thinking a lot about the antidote
to our nation’s ills, and it seems like there is a simple answer
somewhere and, yes, I know and believe the only problem
we ever have in any situation is the love we’re not giving; I know this,
but it sure hasn’t made it easier because then I see I’m not loving
enough and that super sucks, and today I was reading the
Fourth Mindfulness Training in Buddhism which begins
“Aware of the suffering caused by unmindful speech and the inability
to listen to others…” and doesn’t that about sum it up because I think
we are probably all guilty a bit on this aspect, and finding the will
to deeply listen to someone you think is saying crazy-ass things
is insanity if not anxiety producing; at the same time, I am aware
loving speech and deep listening is an answer – Eureka – there it is,
the way to the greater good,  and the true remedy to all of this is
found when I walk outside and look up to the wide blue sky,
and doesn’t that teach us all we need to know about everything? 

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