Saturday, March 31, 2018

Idiotic Love

Response to prompt #34--Sentimental Education

This may seem cliche--so cliche in fact, I hesitated to write it--but reading (and watching, because that's what we did back in the 80's) Romeo and Juliet in 9th grade taught me everything I needed to know about love, but not in the I-want-to-go-out-and-find-someone-who-I'd-rather-die-than-be-without kind of way.

I thought they were idiots.

I mean, who meets someone, falls madly in love, marries, and dies all within the span of 3 short days?

I, of course, boyfriendless, didn't understand that take-my-breath-away feeling of true love, and I wasn't sure I wanted to. I watched and listened to my girlfriends pine away over boys (and a couple of over 18 men who should have probably been arrested). And then cry over them when it all fell apart. At least their relationships lasted more than three days, but I grew tired of hearing about their self-inflicted drama.

I remember thinking that I would never let one person control my emotions so completely. It didn't seem that love should operate like that. I wanted to be with someone who loved me without conditions, someone who wouldn't manipulate me, someone who would respect me.

The immaturity of Romeo and Juliet was mirrored throughout the halls of Dunedin High. Couples were either making out with their tongues down each others' throats or were slamming locker doors as they fought. Emotions ran high on the daily. Ridiculous, I thought.

It's not that I look back at Romeo and Juliet with disdain. I enjoyed reading it. I think I even sympathized with their plight--I just didn't agree with the way they handled it, and I never really thought about why until now.

Love isn't meant to cause us pain and suffering, grief and strife. Love is meant to be a balm for our wounds, a healing force in a sick world. Does loving someone come with some emotional turmoil at times? Sure. But, is that disquiet supposed to be the norm? Nope.

Thanks, dear Romeo and Juliet, for teaching me about the kind of love I didn't want.

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