Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Prompt #20 Not the Same Old Story

From Poets and Writers magazine.

Last year the Atlantic reported that researchers using computer systems to analyze the emotional trajectories of protagonists in nearly two thousand works of English-language fiction found that there are just six basic storytelling arcs:

1. Rags to riches (rise)
2. Riches to rags (fall)
3. Man in a hole (fall then rise)
4. Icarus (rise then fall)
5. Cinderella (rise then fall then rise)
6. Oedipus (fall then rise then fall)

Think of a story you often tell in your own life, perhaps a childhood memory that involves school friends or a family occasion, or an adventurous incident that happened on a trip or vacation. Does it seem to align with one of these basic plotlines? Write a short fiction piece that maps the major elements of your story into a different, unexpected arc.

Note to Trail Brazens: Take this prompt as tightly or loosely as you desire.  Feel free to let us know on the FB page if a draft is ready for feedback.

Deadline: February 7 (our next meeting)

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