Saturday, February 13, 2016

No $ For You

Response to Prompt: 9- No!
By Laurie J. Kemp

I've said no several times in my life- to family members who thought they knew better than I, to jobs I didn't want, and work situations when I had just had enough. But I suppose the biggest no, the one with potentially the biggest impact was this...

I have never had what I felt was an ideal body. Plagued with below average stature (I'm a whopping 5'2" on a good day),  way above average bust size, and quite a bit of junk in the trunk, even in my younger, fitter days I usually fell into the category of chubby. Weight would prove to be a struggle my whole life. I've gone up and down and back and forth with weight loss of a few pounds to as many as 45 pounds. I've been on Weight Watchers at least four times, two of which resulted in 20+ pounds weight loss. Though I have slowed down considerably, I've lived a relatively active lifestyle. I was an athlete as a kid, all the way up through high school, and I've gone in and out of various exercise bouts including a membership to the YMCA, 2 memberships to two different local gyms, Pilates DVDs, owning a treadmill, walking outside, biking, and yoga. And turning 40 (a couple of years ago), let me just tell you. It has done me in. My body seems to  have changed more since then, than it did after having a baby!

The second of said gym memberships was a little over a year ago, and I worked out consistently three to five days a week for eight months. I'm not sure I lost any weight because I wasn't weighing myself and my clothes didn't really feel any different. But I guess I wasn't gaining. I know the other health benefits to exercise, and I was feeling good about the regimen regardless of what my weight was. But something happened and I stopped. I went on a trip for work, disrupted my routine, and though I tried multiple times to get back in step, I just never did. I have fulfilled the year long contract, and I am no longer obligated to continue my membership. I'm leaning toward canceling. Follow me here, I'm getting to the reason why...

While I look in the mirror daily in disappointment, and see photos of myself indicating I'm a bit heavier than I'd like to be, people around me are jumping on weight loss programs. Diet supplements, special containers, plans that require fees and purchasing products. I'm just not into it. I know everything I need to know about losing weight. I know a lot about what it means to be healthy and the importance of eating right and getting enough exercise. I have had enough of paying other people for me to lose weight. I've put my foot down, and I'm saying NO!

I will not buy your shakes.

I will not pay for your plan.

I will not buy your products.

I will not pay YOU so that I can lose weight.


What I will do is continue to try and phase in more healthy and phase out less healthy foods into my daily eating. I will try to do more of the exercise and activities I enjoy (such as biking and yoga). I will try to practice self-love in order to feed my healthy lifestyle and avoid self-loathing. I will try to curb my cravings for unhealthy things, but still allow myself an indulgence when I really want it.

I want to enjoy my life. And though I may appear to be what some would call out of shape, and though by appearance you might be led to believe I am lazy, I assure you I am not. If I am going to pay for anything, it will be for activities I enjoy for the sake of doing them like yoga and kayaking. I will forever be trying to improve my balanced eating and shed some unwanted pounds, but hell if I am going to pay someone else to get me to do it.


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