Thursday, January 4, 2018

#32 Rock, Paper, Scissors (Jan18)

Prompt #32 for January 2018

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Years ago I became acquainted with a poem called "The Song of Powers" that uses the motif of rock, paper, scissors to make a point about power.  I've always loved putting this poem in front of older students -- they get a kick out of the game being used in a poem, and also get into the message.

Here is a link to the poem.

More recently I saw this commercial on television. It gives a different twist to the rock, paper, scissors story, and it's delightful.

I hadn't thought about rock, scissors, paper for a writing idea until I saw an article in an old Poets and Writers I was looking through for a prompt.  The essay was by Betsy Lerner called "Rock, Paper, Scissors: Agent, Writer, Editor (Reflections from Someone Who's Been All Three)."  In her essay she explores her various roles metaphorically and literally through the three items.  It gave me the idea that there are many ways we have played all three parts, in our various jobs or the job we have now, or with family, or with any other activities in our lives.

I felt this opened up a lot of possibilities for personal essays, poems, or fiction stories.  How do these three elements show up? How do they interact? The conflict is built in.  There are comic and tragic possibilities available.  Get creative and have fun!

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